A Classy Thomas Newman score

I love when his desperate lackeys realize they will never be sugar tits Ivanka or daddy Putin, and fanta fuhrer will throw anyone under the buss for his own gain.

My scouting time came in the aftermath of 9/11. It was a circle jerk of ‘Murica is the greatest, gotta kill the sand people!’ Really quality people I must say.

HRC should show up to every public appearance, dressed in a pantsuit made of bullets, and smoke cigarettes and smile wickedly. He will drop dead sooner rather than later.

All I want for Festivus is the Pee Pee Tape.

We are in desperate need of a pandemic to thin the herd.

Locomotive Jones is a troll. Do not ungrey.

As a gay man, my experience of being a boy scout was nothing but a nightmare which has scarred me for life. Scouting only exists as a propaganda outlet for the military industrial complex. Fuck them and their starchy shirts.

A recurring fantasy is he just drops dead. He is in poor health, has wretched eating habits, and under stress. I just hope it happens live on TV, just like this loathsome fame whore would want.

I hope he drops dead on fucking CSPAN.

It is both things. He was going to put Palin a heartbeat away from the presidency.

Also: Sarah Palin.

I can’t wait for when I get a news alert that he has died.

I love you.

Well, thank you for being aware to this. You are not alone. Unfortunately most people are just brainwashed to consume, at the lowest price point they can get their mitts on.

The word insipid was crafted to describe this wretched song, and the majority of Mr Timberlake’s discography post “sexyback”  

“Well you see Ivanka is shiny, and whispery. He can’t be all bad” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH

He sure is confident for someone who will always have “The Emoji Movie” in his filmography.

That’s his fake grin he uses when he doesn’t want to be there. He has his shit eating one when daddy Putin is around.