Chris Murray

I love some fried sage, for some reason I haven’t thought to bring some to Tday with the family. My sage plant has taken off since I put it in the ground in May, so I’ll have to remember to bring some. I also have tricolor sage, which is pretty in the garden, but less flavorful as a culinary herb.

On a tangentially related note, I don’t see the tea cups you can spin yourself at fares, carnivals, amusement parks very much anymore. My brother and I of course always spun them as fast as our teenage muscles could manage.

I had to just leave a Halloween party we hosted this year. I couldn’t put my finger on what it was, but I hit a point where it was just overwhelming.

Yeah, I still go to Mom’s for Thanksgiving every year, but I’m always in charge of the turkey, the gravy, the mash potatoes, and usually brussels sprouts.

No one bothered to properly learn, develop, or market the tech 😥

Recently went to a recruiting event putting out feelers for a tech writing job (what my college degree is in), but felt so unprepared after 10 years in back-of-house hospitality, and no business cards at all

Pretty sure I saw the deal here, the Soundcore Life P2 True Wireless Earbuds for $45 have been a game changer.

Pretty sure I saw the deal here, the Soundcore Life P2 True Wireless Earbuds for $45 have been a game changer.

Dont sell the books!

Extra evil points if you fake a miscarriage; no one's going to pry into that.

I use my job for this: “ah, sorry guys, I have to be up at 5am, so I’m going to go now.”

My sarcasm didn’t come across, but I was rebuking you for “I love coming to these recipes and seeing idiots ignore the topic... just blathering on about their shitty concoctions”

I don’t have kids and I still keep a handful of full-size and hand towels in my trunk. Great for protecting the floors, wiping off windows, cleaning up messes, concealing cargo, drying off after an unexpected rain or unplanned swim, emergency blanket, etc. Just get the cheap ones from your big box store of choice and

I don't need a survey to tell me I'm in a constant state of existential crisis.

Show them by example? Wear your coat.

Not a definitive answer, but one important thing to focus on is teaching her is the importance of voice; you speak and write differently to you friends, your parents, your teacher, your boss, etc.

Agreed. I have a BS in English, I taught ESL for a few years, I work with people from all over the world with varying skills in English.

Yep, cause the comments aren’t for discussion. I respect J K Lopez-Alt, but there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

I tried this line in an interview once “people tend to like me”. It’s true, I switch gestures and codes all the time, but maybe too forward in an interview.

Yep, pretty much how we make them in the cafe I work in. Bake a sac of potatoes, refrigerate, chop, cook.

Two problems with that: 1) that means I need cream on hand 2) that’s real buttermilk, but most modern recipes mean cultured milk when they say “buttermilk”