I hated this about peer review in college. I’m a concise writer, and I’d want to cut out the fluff of my peers, while they would want to add the fluff to my writing.
I hated this about peer review in college. I’m a concise writer, and I’d want to cut out the fluff of my peers, while they would want to add the fluff to my writing.
We don’t use a whole lot of butter in our house, so I just switched to only using Kerrygold for everything. We also don’t use much milk, mostly just keeping cream around.
You forgot the third kind of special: we got fresh, novel ingredients on Friday and we can charge more than the normal 300% markup for them.
“...fraction of the time jockeying...”
It’s the same physics that causes icecream to melt faster in a car with a fan on then one without. More molecules moving past an object causes more heat transfer; sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it melts your icecream.
I think a lot of weight lifters gain fat when they stop lifting because they don't also account for their new lower calorie needs.
I just use kitchen rags, but I also have those numb fingers and only-mild-iritation-with-burns that comes from professional cooking.
I consider myself a descriptivist, and I will change my pattern of speech and writing to best communicate either my specific voice or to best connect with my audience.
How long do you think it took to produce a 90sec video over just typing the transcript? I mean, he had to type the transcript to read from anyway, right? Bah, who needs efficiency?
Not to mention the way the headline is worded, I thought it was going to be 3 ways to troubleshoot your current router before you go out and buy a new one.
1) Make sure it’s dual band; 2.4gHz and 5gHz
Totally misread that as “compromise” and was like, I know society can't agree on anything, but are people really using “compromise” wrong?
I always liked the wet/dry practices; dive off the block, sprint a 50, climb out, pushups, situps, squats, back on the block, repeat.
I did prefer my ATV box (XiaoMi) over my Chromecast, mostly because I liked having a dedicated remote and it was was easier for guests to use, but it died around the 1yr mark.
Who knows how long it will take them to get to it; related, we submitted a request for our home address to be changed because everyone ends up at our neighbor's since that's what comes up in maps. It's been months.
Would be good with a puttanesca if you wanted to go the red sauce route.
We actually used to do this in swim practice. They were dense rubber bricks so as to not damage the pool floor, but same concept.
It worked in Boy Scouts...
This is not news. Healthier for the environment, not healthier for the body.
If you go to college, study STEM, or become a doctor, or something highly specialized that you need a degree for. Otherwise start working, go to trade school, etc.