Chris Murray

That's what she said?

That's what she said?

You could follow your recipe as usual and swirl this on top right before serving for an attractively garnished soup.

I mean, essentially. If you have the skill to crack an egg with one hand, you can skip dropping it in the bowl first, just crack it right into your fingers. Still need three bowls so you can discard the occasional broken yolk so your whites and yolks don't mix.

I miss spoke a little, as the drying process is also different, but “According to Sunmaid’s website, almost all of their raisins—golden and brown alike—are made from green Thompson Seedless grapes, which is the dominant grape variety grown in California.”

Yeah, without the base percentage, 2x doesn't mean anything. 2x 50% is 100%, but 2x 0.5% is 1%. The base statistic gives the gravity.

The industry needs a total overhaul; when you work 2 jobs, 55-60hr weeks, and your insurance is 10% of your income, specifically because you bring home extra money from your second job that disqualifies you from tax credits, there’s a problem.

I, for one, never cease to be amazed that my poor life choices haven't killed me by now.

Golden raisins are exactly the same except treated with sulfides to keep their color.

“And are millennials killing them?”

For the love of God, can the internet decide on a standard password rule set? Oh you can use special characters here, on this site only numbers and letters, here it needs to be 8 bytes long, oh ten bytes on our site....

I wish tunable lights were more popular/available and had better programming. I want a white light that transitions tempuratures throughout the day based on my local solar time.

I wish tunable lights were more popular/available and had better programming. I want a white light that transitions

One of my favorite summer time deserts is grilled peaches with buratta cheese and balsamic vinegar. Like you said, it hits all the good notes; a little savory from the grill and the cheese, a little sweet, various textures, and just a touch of delicious funk.

Hmm, I love some braised hardy greens, but this brought to mind the realization I've never looked into pressure cooking them. I'll have to do that.

Eyes up

“Ifyou don’t feel like sipping hot broth for some reason”

I don’t usually eat breakfast at home, but ramen is my go to bachelor food (re: when the wife isn’t around for lunch/dinner)

Part of the reason I don’t like the Fold’s design is that the fold is on the inside; sure it has a basic screen on the outside, but more than likely, you’re going to be opening it up for 90% of what you do.

Thanks, I let him know you said so to brighten up his day :)

Also related, in my line of work (cooking), some of the best are the ones that can fix a mistake rather than starting all over.

Also creating things that are “just good enough”. Spending less time on the first iteration of a project can tell you a few things: how difficult the process actually is, how to improve the next iteration, if improvement is even worth the effort, when you need to find expert help, etc.