Chris Murray

Hey, I don’t have kids and am a chef, Am cheese still holds a special place of perfectly melty goodness, also it never goes bad...


I also use Tasker, but have it set to disable wifi, mute notifications, and launch Pandora upon connecting to the Bluetooth adapter I use.

Not claiming that I and many others don’t do the same thing, but it is still illegal to check your texts via physical input, even at a stop light. (Similar to you’re still drunk ‘driving’ if your keys are in the ignition, but you’re not moving)

Accidentally posted this on the wrong article due to the way Gawker site articles scroll continuously.

Accidentally posted this on the wrong article due to the way Gawker site articles scroll continuously.

Does Amazon offer a monthly payment option? $10 a month is easier to plan for than $120 once a year. That’s how I pay Pandora...

Does Amazon offer a monthly payment option? $10 a month is easier to plan for than $120 once a year. That’s how I

The specific layout of text and images always stuck out in my mind and helped me remember, like where on the page a specific fact or graph was. In more recent years I’ve noticed this makes it really difficult for me to focus on and learn from websites, which are so often laid out to be swipeable only up or down.

I’ve gotten weird looks when I describe certain numbers as round. For me it’s the divisibility; even numbers are round, but so is say 25. Certain odd non primes are more round to me than even numbers; 25 is more round than 30. I don’t think of primes as sharp, though, and I’m not sure how one thing can be more round

For whatever reason I see time as relative to events rather than the clock. I have to catch my self all the time from telling people something to the effect of, ‘oh it’s quarter to when I need to [do x]’ rather than ‘I need to leave [do x] at 4:25'. It seems strange and ineffective to try and explain it now, but I’ve

This is a huge problem with vinyl from Amazon; I want to know the quality of the press, as that’s the single most important factor, and since vinyl is niche compared to CD and digital, those reviews are hard to find.

Psh, what kind if caterer are you if you don’t have to repeate yourself 200 times? All kidding aside, in my experience, even with a sign, you still have to repeat yourself 200 times.

“...and most don’t exactly have a spot for you to take a record for a test drive before you buy”

Summary of comments: “I can’t be bothered to give a damn about the earth if cost MY time and money, or to give a damn about the poor individuals that have to handle MY trash....”

Dear Lifehacker,

I almost always sub ketchup for tomato paste since any given recipe calls for so little; it just not worth keeping on hand.

This is my main issue with Marcella Hazan’s 4 ingredient tomato sauce. It’s a great place to start, but depending on brand, variety, year, etc, most tomato sauce needs some adjustment.

If you have a decently powerful immersion blender, this is a perfect use case. (Doesn’t work with chunky, obviously)

”it’s ok to not be ok” is great;

”Don’t worry, in a few billion years, the sun will engulf the Earth, in several billion more the last Stars will die. God is a lie, you and everyone you know will die, and there is no heaven. So in the end, it doesn’t matter what Becky thinks”

You can also upload original quality photos, which then cuts into your 15gb, which is shared across Photos, Drive, and Gmail.