
To me, that was the worst no-call of the tournament - at least from the games I’ve seen.

Worth mentioning, Hazard absolutely deserved a free kick when he was tripped by Giroud outside the penalty area.

Do you hear that loud whooshing noise?

He’s obviously trying to troll Messi by winning a trophy with Higuain on the same team. 

If I were San Antonio, I’d gin up up as much interest among Boston/Philly to raise the asking price. I’d demand Ingram, Josh Hart, and 8 straight years of SA-optional 1st rounder swaps starting in 2020 to get around the Stepien Rule and to use if/when LeBron leaves/gets old.

I’d leave Lonzo and Lavar with the Lakers

Lindsey Graham, is that you?

I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.

Oh my stahhs *fans face with lace hand fan*

She really dropped the ball by not yelling out “Later Gator!” as she walked off.

Holy crap, man. The fact that it was your first thought...bravo, you dark bastard.

When my grandson comes home from school, I usually greet him with, “Hey, buddy. How you doing? Did you learn anything interesting today?” But he’s 5 and so everything at school is still interesting to him, and he’s glad somebody wants to know. I know it’ll pass but I’m enjoying it while it lasts.

Counterpoint: My parents never asked me about my day. I promise you, that is far far worse.

Ah, once again the Democrats are most concerned about being seen as the “reasonable” party that is willing to work together and compromise.

The way he hit the baraka the net was impressive.

he was so chill after this scorpion kick i guess you could say he was...(*looks at camera*) sub-zero.

Someone who was ACTUALLY THIS SCARED of Donald Trump would find a way in a 51/49 senate to fuck his, and by extension his enabling party’s, bizness up. That Flake is unwilling to do this in any meaningful way means that he is just grandstanding for future historians. Thanks alot buddy, but America could use your help,

China doesn’t actually have the power to do that. The most they can do is cut off North Korea, which would probably kill the regime eventually. However in the interim, you’d have massive starvation, waves of refugees coming into China, dissenters (more than normal) sent to brutal work camps or executed, and the very

China finally takes some responsibility and goes in and replaces the regime without a shot being fired. A pipe dream though.