Horse Vomit

This show was YouTube before YouTube existed.

I pushed out a 10 pound baby in April with very little family support. I have definitely felt a push to accomplish everything I did previously in terms of my domestic duties and maintain my appearance. While I have been laid off since January, I have picked up some freelance assignments. My husband always asks why I

I can't stop imagining the gross, sticky knife used to make this sandwich. Or, if you're a tidy person who avoids jar contamination, the pile of six knives in the sink.

Being a mom is not a job, its a role with a LOT of challenging responsibilities. Can you imagine seeing that job listing on Career Builder? I wish that I could get workers comp for the third degree tear I endured during labor or hazard pay for the full up the back blowout I just cleaned up.

This seems like an awful lot of work to appear on My Strange Addition. We have a holiday for this. It's called Halloween.

A terrible Facebook friend (former co-worker) attended the opening of a local location last week, and of course, posted pictures of the great views and how it was his new favorite place. He also drives a customized Audi and has the personalized license plate that says PRENUP. I wish I could make this up or look away

I was laid off at the beginning of the year and I've been freelancing until I pop out a baby later this month and can return to the workforce. It's kind of awesome, but I'm terrible at being my own boss and setting deadlines. Oh, and there's the joy of the daily cat butthole parade across my desk, paying for coffee

Ah, St. Louis private school relationship problems.

I got the stink eye at Starbucks the other day. Fuck that lady, that latte was awesome.

Me too. High five.

I drank quite a bit before I got pregnant (and LOVED it) and even though I've had some incredibly stressful situations during my pregnancy that have tempted me, that switch just got flipped for me around the second trimester. I just didn't want it anymore. Every woman and every pregnancy is different, and it's up to

I'm getting near the end of my pregnancy (32 weeks) and I've come to the conclusion that as a reasonably responsible person who eats a decent diet, doesn't do drugs and doesn't smoke, this kid should be fine. I broke my elbow and had to get X-Rays twice. Then I got laid off and had to deal with my crazy train parents'

Except don't because almost all of them are pasteurized and totally fine. But the rare ones that aren't FETAL DEATH. But not really. Okay, maybe a small chance.

Solicited uterus updated: Occupied!

She goes after Brown hard for being convicted of viciously beating a woman. He responds by calling her sexually explicit names and wishing to cover her in feces. One thing does not equal the other.

Ooh yeah! DNA test on Jace. Escandalo!

Now playing

There's a reason that this was the first episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit. And look who they first "talk" to.

I tried to take the chill pill as prescribed, but like everything else San Diego throws out there this week, it was intercepted and returned for a touchdown.

The Saints lost to Ryan Succop.

Is this pretty flippant article posted on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day for a reason?