Horse Vomit

Please include The Hat as decorative embellishments on all bottle and jar lids!

I’m surprised Kanye even admits to having an asshole at all.

I performed improv for years in a smaller city. One reason I quit involves the attitudes and actions of some of the male players.

After my baby shower, my first-grader cousin wrote a story and presented it in front of her class when they had visitors from some sort of board of education or teacher certification. In it, she told everyone that “babies come out of their mom’s butts. And they are COVERED in blood.”

It was a girl with the “boss from hell”, a guy with an estranged brother, a dad that was never around, those types of forced drama situations.

London was my favorite too. That was the last season before they all had to get jobs - because all they did was stay in the house that season and talk about the different names for tomatoes and how crappy Jacinda was at taking care of a pet. I remember thinking, as a middle schooler, just how cool they all were and

Now playing

New Orleans wins Best Song by a Roommate for David’s classic Come on Be My Baby Tonight.

Just a fun reminder that Abram was once arrested for public urination and then proceeded to cover his jail cell in his own poop.

During his closing arguments, Kratz said it didn’t matter if the RAV4 key was planted in Steven’s bedroom. That “reasonable doubt is for innocent people.”

His voice sounds like Jack Black’s portrayal of the titular character in Bernie.

I agree with you. I’m not certain that Steven Avery is innocent, but I am certain that the story that the prosecution and sheriff’s department presented did not happen. They believed Steven Avery was guilty and corroborated their hypothesis with false evidence to ensure a conviction. A new trial must be conducted to

Much like his political beliefs, his fashion choices decided to Stop Making Sense.

Well he did make her laugh so cry a baby almost fell out of her. From her book:

In the summer of 2002, I came home from college to find all the furniture in my mother’s home piled in the center of the living room as she attacked it with some sort of spray. My sister, who just finished first grade, had a head lice scare at school and she was being proactive.

It took until our 8th grade graduation dance for me to have a date. He was my first real deal boyfriend and we were in lurve. He looked like a lanky Leo DiCaprio circa Romeo + Juliet. We were the two early bloomers in our class, he was already 6’4” and I was 5’10”. I wasn’t “allowed” to date, so everything was very

After planning a wedding, I did not want to plan an elaborate vacation. We booked a Caribbean cruise, where I could just roll on the boat and have a drink with an umbrella immediately placed in my hand.

Cold Placenta.

The last time I was this excited to see a man punching an insolent brat.

The most interesting one here is clearly the Olan Mills background.

Yesterday, I lifted my seven month old son up above my head and he barfed milk in my mouth. Like a lot. My grossest moment was witnessed by my entire family. No one touched the mashed potatoes.