Horse Vomit

About "Bean". I don't see how calling his fetal daughter a legume helps illustrate his belief. Wouldn't calling her by a name better exemplify that? I'm 13 weeks pregnant and my husband and I refer to our fetus as Squishy because of its appearance and the fact that Squishy really doesn't have bones and is not yet a

By a man who stabbed himself in the heart to flee this mortal coil.

After seven months of silence, this organization expects everyone to drop everything and head to Washington in a month? Much of the criticism of the original video and movement (mainly that it's misguided and misinformed) is valid and it seems that this new video does nothing to regain the loyalty of the masses. Sure,

Imagine sitting that thing on a counter, sticking your neck through the hoop and then into the bag as you try to find what you need.

Now playing

George Carlin has something to say about the name of MJH's new baby.

There are many things John Travolta will never admit. His hair is probably the least of them.

I'm pregnant and the picture above made my stomach plummet. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!!?

This was our high school rival. I hate these rich, horrible jerks way more than the rich, horrible jerks I went to school with. That said, no one ever deserves this for any reason, ever, for any reason. The sense of entitlement at Ladue was appalling, and I think it's apparent in the way that the school officials

I've marked ads implying pregnancy as offensive on Facebook. That seemed to help curb that problem, and all ads with weird Photoshop fuckery.

Now that we have all pretty much seen Jon Hamm's hog... what do we do now?

Aqua and orange are the colors a three year old girl picks out from her Crayola bold series to color a pony, not the colors of a winning football team.

You know, this is the fourth time the Kinja turd has been polished, and I think this time it just disintegrated into a pile of poop dust.

The guy from Nickelback and Avril Lavigne are getting married? I had no idea that same sucks marriage was legal in Canada.

Because no one would buy that book or discuss that subway ad.

I mean come on, these guys just keep going!

How can we have an Olympics gif party and not invite the Independent Olympians? Come on guys, they almost already got left out once before. Sheesh.

That would be Conan O'Brien's writing team.

This song is a fitting soundtrack to that prison diarrhea post.

Fun fact: wombats poop in cubes. It's true, I swears.

I say Miley and Liam.