Horse Vomit

I believe the best description of Guy Fieri was by The AV Club, in which he was described as "the personification of cheese fries."

39 years. 3 of them free from the rampant sexism of Bob Barker.

It sounds more like a rooster to me, but it's adorable and hilarious, nonetheless.

I have never watched a full season of The Bachelor/ette until this one. I think I was suckered in by Frank (Ooh! A screenwriter who lives with his parents! My type!). I tell everyone that I watch to get a context for the amazing clips that inevitably appear on The Soup... but really, it's my guilty pleasure.

@ill_wind: Oh, Kasey. I hope they remembered to pick him up off the glacier they abandoned him on.

@LaFabuliste: If you want to get so drunk as to stop feeling feelings, I recommend adding the following phrases:

I hope it's dessert style Belgian waffles. They changed and saved my life one night in Europe.

It looks like one of those things at a fair where kids stick their heads in through a hole.

Mine reads: "This box has been left blank intentionally."

I chased tail all the way to Africa. No, I didn't serenade him with Toto karaoke. I went to the continent. I took out a student loan to go follow a guy I wanted to bone.

@rosie.the.riveter: I agree. He has not confessed to the murder of Halloway, as far as I know. Even though many signs indicate that he was involved in her disappearance, this statement is irresponsible.

I can't help it. I see bread.

@roodles: I find him to be cocky and terrible. The whole concept of his Throwdown show bothers me. Other people can be good at making food too, Bobby Flay!

Ugh. I hope NBC never has to do a follow-up show: The Biggest Knee Replacement.

Uhm. Are those towels in the fireplace?

@PhillyLass: I completely understand that is not her statement. But, if the toys are removed, it seems logical that they will be replaced by something else to continue to lure children. And pie is delicious.

You're right, Mimi. Toys make children fat. Get rid of the toy and replace it with a pie!

That's only the second creepiest owl puppet I have seen.

I went to high school with the non-fatal human sacrifice to the blood-thirsty Shea Stadium Escalator.

There was a blind item yesterday that describes a celeb who is adamant about being the only celeb to come out this month, and the he pronoun was thrown around a lot.