@lucyjae: "And, my mom had to ask my dad to stop buying me Looney Tunes sweatshirts."
@lucyjae: "And, my mom had to ask my dad to stop buying me Looney Tunes sweatshirts."
She has to "return some video tapes."
@GreyEminence: There are lots of strategies, and I think the documentary footage is the best option.
@alouette: That's what we call it too. When the window is open, it is the cat theater.
@AndPreciousLittleofThat: Uncanny timing, no? And I thought the premise was unbelievable.
Are all of the seasons like 6 episodes long?
@SunburnedCounsel: I want to cut up all of these magazines and make my own. It will only feature Mindy Kaling, Heidi Klum and Seal's newborn daughter, celebrity pets and pictures of happy, healthy celebrities that do not invade their privacy.
I invented this for our Inventor project in fourth grade. It was made out of wrapping paper and cardboard. I got a check plus. I want royalties!
You know, I stopped going to Deadspin for a reason, and that was to avoid the insulting brain drippings of AJ Daulerio.
I can't wait for the Meredith Baxter Birney Lifetime movie Not Without My Rainbow Button starring Valerie Bertinelli.
I love that he picked a pink pony pulling a carriage.
Her Dairy Queen chocolate dipped cone hair freaks me out. Also, her ability to hold such a large quantity of grapes with her hand in that position.
@willwriteforfood: This. Yes. Those commercials make me change the channel.
@BeckyIva: Agreed. The monkey and rock hands amuse me to no end. This is pretty much the only time I allow myself to use emoticons.
I had a remarkably eccentric professor in college. In fact, he was the department chair, and he was quite a campus legend. No one, not the other professors, close friends, favorite students or even janitors, were ever allowed in his office. No one really understood why, but rumors of hoarding started to surface.
At last, the burning question posed in Eleanor Rigby has been answered.
I heard they arrived at the White House in a giant helium balloon shaped like a saucer.
Oh yes, and Tina, Whitney and Oprah are very new overnight successes that will fizzle out, too - not extremely talented, hard-working women with careers spanning many decades.
Remember when TLC created and showed programs that were really educational? Sigh... Thank you, Joel.
@token_illiterate_commenter: I think a neatly trimmed beard says a lot about a guy and can be a nice, distinguished and even handsome look. An unruly mountain man beard is a sign of a man who doesn't wash his sheets or towels and owns more pants with a drawstring rather than belt loops.