Horse Vomit

Paint 'em all orange and sell them to Packers fans as Cheese Shoes.

I'm so glad I am not a teenage girl right now. I don't think I could choose between Team Necrophilia or Team Bestiality.

Wait. There's a publication called Medical Hypotheses? I bet it's a sack. Scientists can be so teste.

@fridaphile: I have a mole that just throbbed.

@konstantinbothari: Ha. He decided to give his cats good "hobo" names. I don't know why.

For your consideration, my very tall friend's cat Tiny Jenkins.

pleez to has click to maek biggur?

"They say seven is a mythical number"

I see MJ, but I don't see anything fetus-like. Ultrasounds are always like Magic Eye posters to me.

@Tippi Hedren: I see the Cryptkeeper too, or Colorform MJ.

@winner: My bad. I thought it was this historically black Lincoln University:

"...the most common cause of genital skin ulcers."

Lincoln is a land-grant, historically black school in Jefferson City, MO. It really surprises me that a public institution established to stand up to discrimination is, essentially, discriminating against its own student body.

Where's the umbilical cord and meconium wrap?

Koala Yummies are very hard do find, but allegedly still around. I want their adorable flavortastes now.

@TT-Zop: Then he will have the strength of a grown man and a tiny baby. #markmangino

@funnyface: As if it isn't weird enough to stay in a hotel and wonder about the awful things people have done on the beds. Now we have to worry about the mystery stains on the hay bed and why the large wheel is a little rickety. #france

@morninggloria: Now it can be a form of protest against insurance companies that will not cover medical exams for younger women. #cancer