Horse Vomit

How cute. Her half-calf boots match her half-caf beverage. #katieholmes

Trojan can re-brand its spermicidal condoms as featuring allergen reducing lube. #spermallergy

@Kivrin: Steve Martin did have a cameo in Baby Mama. Let's call that his last movie and not Pink Panther Franchises are Cheaper by the Dozen. And Alec Baldwin was in My Sister's Keeper... I'm not really helping, am I?

Maybe they all really enjoy the British band The xx.

Because this wasn't bad enough.

In the defense of the director, I'd probably want to show as little of those fug shoes as possible, too, but jeez, show more pseudo-science graphs instead.

Secondhand underpants: another hassle of Inner City Pressure. #panties

@Penny: I sold some shoes via Craigslist to a confessed shoe fetishist. At the time, I had no idea these things happened. I felt dirty, but at the same time, richer. #panties

I'm really surprised that they don't have a Criterion edition of Battlefield Earth with bonus subliminal messages. #scientologyholidaycatalog

@morninggloria: I didn't dress up, but I am in the minority. We have a lot of (slutty) adult costumes in our warehouse that people are wearing with normal clothes underneath. #commenterquips

I'm trying to find a picture of a baby dressed as King Kong and is being held by a dad dressed as the Empire State Building, but no luck.

Zombie Tony Clifton looks good. #halloween

I vote to add jumbo cardboard box based costumes to the list of bans. It's cute to be a box of popcorn until Andrew W. knocks you onto the damp pavement on purpose during the parade. Watching a kid in a box try to stand up might be funny, but looking like a movie theater floor isn't as cute.

I think licensed merchandise has gone way too far. Weezer is really pushing their own line of Snuggies, and that makes me sad on so many levels. Back in the day I owned Weezer everything and made a fair number of Weezer crafts. But I stopped at a latch hook project for home ec. And now thanks to these panties, I feel

And now that you feel liberated enough to go out in public thanks to us - smoosh all your fat into this nylon tube to look thinner. #glamournovember09coverlies