Horse Vomit

When will celebrities learn; Twitter is not a telephone or a lighthouse.

@NotSafeForLife: The players are trained athletes, coached by former NFL players and the games are played in traditional stadiums. This is broadcast on national television once a week. It is real. It is a sport. In my opinion, it is taken more seriously than the WNBA by many in the media.

I bet Tom Cruise can get a table at Dorsia. #tomcruise

Dang it, Hollywood. You can take Transformers, Strawberry Shortcake and all other staples of my childhood, but you leave Zoobilee Zoo alone! #beergardens

"I squeezed my boob and stuff came out. I screamed. I felt like a cow!"

@maneki neko: I think they can also increase their fan base by targeting smaller markets and cities that have a void for professional and college sports. In Seattle, I believe, fan support has grown for the WNBA team since the NBA team left for Oklahoma City. Detroit's WNBA team is expected to move to Tulsa in the

It's very sad that the only real professional sports league for female athletes is by and large a punchline in sports media. That's right, little girls, someday if you practice really hard and make many sacrifices, you can be a WNBA player and be mocked for your appearance, unsupported by your community, and teased by

@la.donna.pietra: And, many BB/BS chapters receive sporting event ticket donations for matches. #wnba

Have Tom and Katie been shopping at Delia's? My, it's a Plaid, Plaid, Plaid, Plaid World. #tomcruisescientology

This catalog is like a Playboy for a lonely lumberjack. #delias

Wow. I was a student of the Ocean View School District for a few years. And based on the fact that no one has ever checked out the book from the library, it seems as if it hasn't changed much since I was in elementary school. #iknowwhythecagedbirdsings

This is what my face would look like if I tried that vibrating mascara wand. #maxfactormascaraads

You'd think maple bacon doughnuts would sell themselves.


@Katxyz: Yeah, What Up With That?

Maybe it's because Marketing Director is one of the few professions Barbie has not attempted. #mattel