Horse Vomit

@highjump: Is jezebel secretly a community for talls?

So funny. I was asked to join a work basketball team today. No one asked if I played, they just assumed that I did because I am a girl giant. Like I signed a contract the devil to play sports and get things off the top shelf for ladies in the grocery store if he'd make me taller.

Sorry, Mr. Heene, America can only have one internet celebrity from Wife Swap, and that is King Curtis, bacon lover and runaway scamp. #balloonboy

@spamanda: On the upside, now kids won't make fun of him just because his name is Falcon. #balloonboy

Congrats to the true besties and the editors for witty comments and not breaking open the whiskey at ten A.M.

@kkatt: He'd be the next Steve Bartman; completely unable to show his face in public again. #heliumballoonboy

There are many lessons to learn from Wes; namely, you shouldn't blow all your reality TV prize money opening a Pinkberry knockoff in Overland Park, Kansas. #realworldroadruleschallengewes

@fluxus flucker: I think the shabby part comes from the hordes of mismatched throw pillows and blankets used to cover inevitable stains on the white sofa.

I'm finally got over "curb chic" from college and I'm finally getting out of "merged chic" with my husband and the result is "cat hair chic".

@CurtCole: I bet its hard to undo the hook on that thing with greasy meathands. And, probably, a greasy meathook, too. #tinafey

I'd let Tina Fey dress me up as a ham sandwich and laugh at me. I'm way too old for it to be cute and not creepy, but I'd still let her do it. #tinafey

@cate3710: It's the only time I've seen yellow. Ah well, as long as I can comment, I'm set. Thanks! #chchchchanges

@cate3710: Thanks for the tip, but I was on Show Hidden Threads. It was the weird yellow box that scared me.

HALP! I think I have a comment in Comment Purgatory. I don't see it here, and when I click on it in my profile I see it's in a yellow box.

Are non-response generated comment promotions included in the notifications?

I'm going to reiterate what I once told a camper: your body does not make snacks. It also does not have cubby holes.