Horse Vomit

Future entry on My Very Worst Date: "He said he wanted to eat out for our date. I didn't realize that he meant he wanted me to put a Cockbib on him and freshen myself up with a Linger after-dinner vagina mint."

@Kajj: This debate happens a million times because people like you refuse to listen to what anyone who disagrees with you is saying.

@uniquelyworded: Thanks for defining curvy and being an expert on what is best for other people! Quantifying sizes on a scale of thin and fat is really helpful and extremely relevant to TFA, in which Lagerfeld states:

Does anyone really win when you're forced to wear yellow and brown stripes?

@LaComtesse: It is! Eli Manning didn't even play for a half.

Working at an online lingerie store, I'm going as a sexy Halloween costume seller. I'm going to go into the warehouse and take pieces from all of the leftover sexy Halloween costumes. Part sailor, part vampire, part beermaid, but 100% SEXAY.

This story and a few stories from I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant are really making adult diapers sound like a plausible option for me.

@Dodai: Dibs on the mustache. Or you can smoosh the two eyebrows together and call it a moosh.

The shoes in the middle give me a craving for lobster and crab legs.

Beautiful designs, but I heard the catwalk show was a disaster. Twiggy passed out back stage in a pile of nip, Christy Purrlington laid down in the middle of the runway (in an unflattering pose, no less) and Yasmin Le Nom would only walk when guided by a laser pointer.

@rodmanstreet: Like everything else, it probably simultaneously prevents and causes cancer. And makes your pee rank.

@minnesotameltdown: Arms that won't be able to move if things get much bigger.

@MalinaMango: A little Dave Grohl in your soup bowl?

Meanwhile, everyone else blames Holliday's oopsie on being on a Missouri sports team in October.

Moe Szyslak approves, but is disappointed that they misspelled Midge's name.

Now that the Shroud of Turin has been debunked by a real scientist, this Shroud of Curtain will be debunked by a plumber.