Horse Vomit

Now I'm officially on Team Pie (but just for today).

@eff it...let's get a taco.: I mostly hate how it sounds. I think it's the "oi" diphthong paired with the harshness of the "st". Come to think of it, many "oi" words are bad news.

@marimari: I agree with your first two! I don't hate Michael, but he makes me uncomfortable to a painful degree.

Anna H. is my word hate twin! I can't stand the word moist. It makes me shudder. Describing a delicious cake is difficult for me. So many people hate that word there is a group on Facebook for it.

I hate U2. I don't know many people that hate U2. It's not a hate crush (like with universally hated bands like Creed). I just... I hate them. I know Bono is saving the world, but I even hate that! Leave us alone, Bono.

@RyanB: AHHH! Yes. The whiteness! cheap and easy: I was born a Cardinals fan, but I'm open to supporting the Phillies (last year was fun). I'm a rare breed that dislikes both the Red Sox and Yankees equally. Ugh, and now the Dodgers.

Let's play Jezeball!

I hope the American Embassy in New Zealand is nicer and better staffed than the New Zealand Embassy in America.

R. Kelly's confession explains a lot about his story-telling abilities as featured in Trapped in the Closet.

Clearly the school officials have not seen the CCTV video of the two cage fighters in drag whooping up on would-be assailants.

This picture is a Cardinal sin.

But can air penetrate the chocolate shell and make them slightly stale? Or will they make a pre-hardened version?

@Zombie Ms. Skittles: Pssst! Meet out back in a half hour. I have the latest designs from Conch.

Here it is!

@wilmawonker: WOW. Now all of my future beach vacations will stay on the beach.

Thank you for this post and handling the issue with intelligence, dignity and respect.