Another secret to my financial success: not subscribing to ridiculous lady mags. And if Elle or any other magazine wants to complain about how they are struggling, maybe they shouldn't pay their writers so much.
Another secret to my financial success: not subscribing to ridiculous lady mags. And if Elle or any other magazine wants to complain about how they are struggling, maybe they shouldn't pay their writers so much.
Obviously it's because she has four legs to stand on; her own and the baby's. Not to mention the tiny baby's strength!
This lady needs to come to the Midwest, clip coupons, stalk the circulars, manually patch holes in jackets and shop the clearance rack at TJ Maxx with me. She'll learn a valuable lesson in what thriftiness truly is and I will learn about patience and acceptance. We can make a movie about it.
I got free Whip It schwag last night, including a badass sweatband and free passes. I'm stoked!
@EelsAndEscalators: When Trigg asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something I did."
I thought it was just another ad for Columbia outerwear.
Letterman is not a politician, someone who is elected on their moral character or passes laws with ethics in mind. He is a television host who viewers can tune in or tune out on a nightly basis. As a man in the media, this kind of behavior is almost assumed to be the norm (sadly). He did not deny the liaisons, unlike…
@UGAdawg: These petty public spats he is instigating seem far worse for the well being of children than the television show.
@LaComtesse: Maybe that's Mr. Butterworth's name?
@elsbels: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I never said that his life story was in any way an excuse or explanation for raping a thirteen year-old girl. I mentioned it only in context of that the original commenter stated:
@adoringava: Not to justify her comment in any way, but I think the "he's been through so much" stems from his near-miss with the Holocaust (he escaped, mother died, his father survived) and the very public and brutal murder of his wife and unborn child. He has had a very interesting life, with ample heartbreak, most…
I can envision a conversation between Whoopi Goldberg and Chris Rock that consists of little more than the word rape.
I'm very proud of her for so many reasons. She has always remained calm, collected and strong. She advocates for tougher laws, not for book deals. It's great to see that she has become a well-adjusted, levelheaded young woman.
@CurtCole: Brilliant! I think Todd should be Gambit.
Don't forget about Rogue Rouge. It's all the rage for spring.
Michele Bachmann (R-South Cray-o-lina) fears this will mean grown women could "be taken away to the boardroom, have their miscarriage, be back and go to lunch that afternoon."
I hope she got two lollipops.
Would she prefer it if we converted an old taco truck into an abort-o-mobile, park it by the football field and eliminate the middle man?
Bonus points - the formation looks kind of like a breast.
Nice to see that she still has a positive outlook on the situation. I hope she finds her place in comedy post-SNL.