@o-line: Gah, irresponsible, I meant. And yes, it's not a phase, it's a very serious behavior that should be handled by a professional.
@o-line: Gah, irresponsible, I meant. And yes, it's not a phase, it's a very serious behavior that should be handled by a professional.
"Girls go through different phases when they're growing up, when they're miserable and do different things, whether it's an eating disorder or they dabble in cutting…"What an unresponsible statement. She really should stick to talking about her movies and anthropamorphic vagina.
Clasper the not-so-friendly Ghost? The Bedbug? Sleeper Creeper?
It's great to see that they were able to salvage the pattern from the Golden Girl's patio set and reuse it as a shirt(?) for #9.
@sympathyforthebasementcat: She'll never see... this face again!
@lilbobbytables is a la-di-da feminist: You know that Tide To Go commercial with the talking stain?...
@tiredfairy: Their look at organic food was fantastic!
After their last lawsuit against Summer's Eve failed, I'm surprised that they're back on the lawsuit horse.
I don't know who is cuter, the little girl or dad when he hugs her after.
Well, the second company got the crazy part right.
A friend of mine had a bobblehead of her deployed husband made, and it really looked like him. She would place it in family photos on holidays and spent a day taking pictures of it at his favorite spots around town like the gnome in Amelie.
I can see how Jessica would mistake Spencer for a coyote. It's the fleshbeard.
I hope people don't overreact about this. Remember Bush/Cheney and the "major league asshole" comment?
I can never afford the fashions presented during fashion week. Guess I'll just have to wear my bathrobe backwards.
@that's what she said: and Teddy Kennedy and Natasha Richardson.... and Heath Ledger in '08.
Gasp. She is living my dream: doing the robot with a headless mannequin.
@babyruthless: "You keep talking but all I hear is 'eat' and 'now'."
@EllaEnchanted: Personally, I view coverage by sites like Jezebel and The Sexist as protests themselves. Know your enemy, right?
@CurtCole: Their primary method of protection is LEGO condoms.