Horse Vomit

@tundrababe: Not a comedian. He's a NYT Bestselling author. His book is an over-the-top account of his blog, about sleeping with women and pooping his pants.

@jianna: Ah, the dreaded size 11. See, there are many of us. Shoe companies either don't know this, or don't care. The ratio of cute shoes in a size 11 to the number of women who wear a size 11 is way off.

Looks like the dating scene just got a little safer and less creepy.

Looks like her right eyebrow and boobs are both trying to escape, but in opposite directions.

@MissFiFi: We can start by ignoring all of the Rudius Media (founded by Tucker Max) sites. This includes the personal sites of Jamie Kennedy and Mark Ebner.

I think we've all come to the conclusion that a waist is a terrible thing to mind.

It's so much better. A classy, modern look that is age and mom appropriate. I understand your perspective, but I think this is important to discuss. Talking about him only makes his fameball grow, but he has a terribly sexist, pro-rape movie coming out in two weeks. This post is as more about the protesters than it is him.

Remember the South Park episode where Cartman has a recurring hallucination of a Christina Aguliera monster? I think I'm starting to see Gaga Monsters, each with a different mask.

Well, if the protesters didn't bother Max and his fans, they wouldn't talk about them, right?

@nyc-caribbean-ragazza: To be honest, I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that this happened on television and can be replayed, watched and analyzed as needed. Certainly, the attack on Riri was far worse and completely inexcusable, but it did not happen in public. I'd say that it was because it took a long

Martha Stewart at Home Depot, this is great! I hate it when my tool box doesn't match my miter saw cozy.

@WaltzingMatilda: When in questioning, you're usually there under your own accord, not under arrest, and can leave at any time, correct? I'd want a lawyer the second they asked me for my name.

The Weekend Update needs less Seth Meyers... I really think Lorne Michael's brain is melting.

@hellosunshine: There's a video of it on YouTube. Pretty funny.

I'd actually watch The View if Whoopi could communicate with Patrick Swayze's spirit. Afterall, the deceased are not represented on that show.

Too bad the title Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them is already taken.

Fitting that a penis-shaped state would want condoms as its only method of commercially available contraception.