Horse Vomit

@laurasaurus: By no means is it an especially large size. I believe the average American woman is a size 14, if that provides some scale. The traditional sizes you can find in a retail store stop at 16 (increasingly, 14). And a size 2, which is what the author was looking for, is the size of your average Hollywood

That was a lot of gray suits with black ties.

"He got high and kept his agreement with his mother."

I'm starting to think that the C in CNN stands for Circus.

@wilmawonker: Truth is, the Gateway Arch is really a giant electromagnet to repel the Cahokia spirits. Still, as a former St. Louisan, I can say that St. Louis is both wonderful and terrible.

@femiNutsy: Well, this confirms that East St. Louis is basically constructed on ancient Indian burial ground... karma hasn't been kind I guess.

Oh great. Now my memories of our field trip to Cahokia Mounds is tainted with the knowledge that I was playing footsie with a cute boy over a mass grave.

Sam the Koala AND John Hughes? The world is so much less cute and wonderful now. A tragic day, indeed.

@labeled: I think we found Stains' owner!

He got kicked off the show for over-partying with LMFAO, the Kid 'n Play of this generation. God, remember when people were kicked off for interesting reasons?

@Jackiewsu: He was nice to look at when accompanied with the mute button.

@dummyfakeroller: I mean who wouldn't want to go back to their mother's basement after living in a magnificent hotel suite rent free?

Apparently not excercising is also a great cure for the dreaded Cupcake Laser Eyes epidemic.

@rollsnide: Poor Ken seems to get stuck with the truly crazy ones. I love Jeff van Vondren like crazy.

@CollegeCamel: True. And that episode airs in syndication now. So I guess anti-semitism is ok on other networks.

If an abortion is what it takes to prevent another Cousin Oliver, Fox should endorse it.

Who makes this bag? I only buy designer labia products.

Now I'll never get my husband to hold my vag, uh, I mean bag, when we go shopping.

Way to go, you saved a life (an adorable one, no less)!