
I want to hear more about this.

Did GM do this without the knowledge and approval of Flint?

Allowing large corporations to do what they want is a Republican thing.

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Just for future reference, whenever David Tracy says “trust me,” whatever you do, do NOT trust him.

That’s why it has the big ass A/C! Roll down the windows and blast that thing (the a/c and your ass) and you are good to go.

If he could get grass to grow in my backyard I would pay him the $25k he lost.

In a couple of those pics, it is hard to tell the front from the back.

I think the interior would look better if they just added a little more red.

This is what happens when animals refuse to give up their seats!

Probably pull more ass too!

My friend and I got pulled over riding scooters in Bermuda. We were doing 40 in a Seriously,the top speed limit on the island is 35 km/h which makes a 20X1 mile island seem a lot bigger than it is. Anyway, the cop says, “when are you going home?” I lied and said, “tomorrow” when we had actually just

For a billionaire, what is the advantage of sitting on a board with a measly $7 million investment? That is what doesn’t make sense to me. That is like asking me to run a company for minimum wage.

I hope none of the certified Curiosity drivers owns a mustang.

I feel like you are missing another revenue opportunity here. Why wouldn’t you sell the advertising? Ferrari should be paying you to have their emblem on your track. Surely the poors can afford at least one 488, right?

It was about to be a code brown, luckily, the pre-crap flatulence gave him just the right amount of thrust needed to right himself.

I don’t understand why we can’t work with China to do so. Let them have North Korea. The U.S. can aid them in the changing of the government, removing the threat of nuclear attack. China doesn’t have to worry about the U.S. getting closer. With the threat being removed, the U.S. could downsize their military force in

I don’t see a problem with the advertising. Relatively speaking, I think Tesla needs less of a marketing budget than the combined budgets of all the GM dealers in the U.S. just because they can market from a centralized platform. Maintenance and warranty work are going to be a nightmare though.

We call them loop holes for a reason. They are not meant to be exploited.

I agree that they are all shit, but is your car choice going to be made based on the infotainment system? I would truly appreciate a better, more intuitive design, but I don’t think it is going to make or break my car buying decision. Although with the millions of dollars of R&D costs invested into cars, you would