
dem legs

Easy with the language.

I think that is good point. They are loyal to their religious beliefs, it just happens to be strongly tied to the country itself. I wonder if the sentiment would hold true if Israel didn’t contain the ”Holy Land.”

I bet they just read your post in 2012 and stole the idea. You may want to think about suing.


Ah, missed that part, thanks!

How far do carriers tend to stay offshore? It would seem like small, fast attack boats would have difficulty with range.

While being huge relative to most ships, a carrier still has a relatively small footprint. As long as the defenses of the ship are focused on that footprint and not every single missile or torpedo being shot at it, I think it would be extremely difficult to penetrate.

Besides the chugging part, the headline was correct, you just chose to draw your own conclusions from it. To be fair, I also pictured some entirely different than the story.

Killing myself is definitely the first thing I would after being acquitted of a double murder. Sounds like someone got payback. Maybe the drug dealer that lost an eye has some friends.

I guarantee they made a movie about this, in fact many movies. Title is different, and plot didn’t line up at all, but they got the “siblings” boning thing down.

As we move into the future where everyone has an electric car, how is that going to affect our current electrical infrastructure? Are we going to have to worry about brown outs because starting a 6pm everyone is plugging in their electric vehicles as well as cranking up the A/C? Or will everyone also have batteries in

Blinking break lights! Someone who is constantly shifting their foot from the accelerator to the brake and back instead of just maintaining a slower consistent speed is the reason I am writing this post from prison.

Doubt it. Seeing as he lives his life a quarter mile at a time, I can’t even do the math on how long it would take him to even get to those planets.

I had no idea that the lake bed and motor sport ranch was there...

a whales vagina

Please cross-post this article, please cross-post this article, please cross-post this article! 

Can we get a banana for reference in the lead picture? It is hard to tell how big that mushroom cloud is.

She must have really hated that family member.