Well we certainly won’t be able to investigate GCHQ, so I guess we will never be able to prove Trump wasn’t being wire tapped. - Sean Spicer.
Well we certainly won’t be able to investigate GCHQ, so I guess we will never be able to prove Trump wasn’t being wire tapped. - Sean Spicer.
That is super cheap. In Southern California you would be paying at least that much a month.
What is considered a short amount of time when saying humans can stand up to 100g?
Perhaps it just sounded like the engines stopped.
Maybe it just felt/sounded like both engines stopped - “So when we took off we start climbing as usual then all of a sudden both engines stopped and we started to drop then 10 seconds later they jammed the engine full and we were climbing again everyone was looking around
Maybe the captain lied about what happened, but my dad didn’t make up the story.
My dad was on a flight a few weeks ago. Midway through, both engines cut out and they begin dropping fast. People are obviously freaking and nobody has any clue what is going on. About 30 seconds later the engines kick back on and they level out. Captain comes on the intercom a few minutes later saying that another…
Such a terrible name for a store.
I like the fact that Trump is not a professional politician. All of the other Republican candidates seemed slimy.
Dude. NooYawker was saying that Trump essentially wants to use nukes. NooYawker is not saying get rid of them.
I never thought I would say that I preferred the name “Rain” over anything else.
Someone somewhere has a collection of this stuff in mint condition. We must find that person and make them post pictures
Guarantee it is easier to land an SU-33 on the admiral kuznetsuv than it was to land in Top Gun.
I can’t even imagine how much a tailpipe costs on his S5. Mind bottling.
Warning: Pictures of dead people.
You missed a key point in your terrific delivery. You forgot to explain the joke at the end.
I call them Flap Flaps, and so shall they be called.
You are hella wrong bruh
Pics or it didn’t happen