I call that free labor
Don’t forget to count the cost of 4 new tires.
Before the imminent crash there will be a coin toss that appears in the HUD. Heads - you lose, tails - pedestrians lose. That way, its fair.
Wheel bearings on that jack.
Free labor!
Are we sure we aren’t dealing with some over zealous Christian folk that feel he is living an unclean life and therefore want to save him by trying to ruin everything he enjoys? Maybe he is gay and therefore deserves eternal damnation. (I am sad that I have to point out that the last sentence is sarcasm)
For me the issue would be that before putting down that kind of money I want to see/touch/feel/drive the EXACT car I will be getting, unless the car is being built for me. I wouldn’t buy a car off a lot without first seeing that car in person.
I don’t really trust either one to do right by the people of this country.
Now all they are missing are the taco trucks!
Do you actually ‘win’ the metal of honor?
I prefer milk on my Cheerios.
Now we just need an out of control Mustang slamming into the i8 and the circle will be complete.
Yes, I completely and totally see why it is hard to be mad. Hell, I am not mad. My comment wasn’t intended to try and defend this guy, it was to try show the OP that we should be careful not to do the same injustice to others that women have been suffering forever if our main concern is really equality. I don’t think…
I understand the context. I get it. I would be saying the same thing if a dude was being a douche bag and hiring only males even though there were plenty of females who were equally qualified. I don’t judge or blame anyone because I am just as screwed up. I am looking at the end goal, where men and women and black and…
I heard that there was just a ton of insurance fraud happening, perhaps what you say stemmed from that.
This would be a sweet party trick.
I have never seen anyone more pissed about getting a silver medal.
Just because it IS a human reaction, doesn’t mean it is the correct reaction. You aren’t going to fix anything by showing the same discrimination you were being shown. I can choose to hire/promote based on qualifications on not by gender or race - and I do. Woman can choose to do the same and not perpetuate the cycle…