
You are just as bad as the men you despise so much.

So it is always an us versus them mentality and everyone is just as guilty. How does that make me want to support your rights, when you don’t support mine?

Thank you for your answer, however what I was trying to ask is; would you be advocating mens rights if woman held the highest positions. My point is, while women are certainly discriminated against in the work place (my wife included), let’s look at discrimination for what it is, not which group of people it is being

I asked you a question, but good job trying to avoid it.

If the roles were reversed, would you give a shit about equality, because it really doesn’t seem like it.

30-60k wouldn’t be enough for me to stick around a job for another 3-4 years. I doubt it would be yours if you left the company (or it would be, but you have to take over payments).

The driving challenges were so addicting.

I have the G8 (GT of course) here in the states, and I half agree/disagree. It is big and loud - which I like, but very rarely see them on the road (probably for obvious reasons) and the ones I do see are pretty much stock on the outside, except for the obvious rim swap, which I think looks pretty cool as a big as

Are we saying this is sexist towards women or men? Trying to decide which hat I need to wear.


Hopefully the shiny new quarter she gives you ever year on your birthday was enough to fix it.

Words are too big.

I think I see the problem in HP. The boost should be turned up to 11.

How was there no evidence? Did the cop just not show up? What is considered evidence?

We have the far right, far left, and moderates, but I want to meet the commie-socialist-racist-who-loves-guns-and-big-walls-and-is-on-welfare.

I would have loved to see a Hilary 2016 sticker on the back of that, instead of Trump.

Sign me up!

Lauer is trying to make them both looks like idiots. With Hilary, he has to call her out on inconsistencies in answers. With Trump, he just has to let him talk.

All I read was cheap gas! Go Trump!

Seems like a bad day when there is poop behind the pedal.