
Not as fast as this guy:

Probably not, but I am sure they make it faster.

I got a Jet I can sell ‘em. Its faster, more nimble, holds 20x more rockets, and has way better stealth.....hypothetically.

2.5hrs from snowboarding, 2.5hrs from desert, 5 minutes from ocean, great weather, great attractions. I will pay up for that.

Maybe he was trying to be ironic.

No no no, that’s a fever.

Well this is an ignorant statement.

One kind of random question. Why, knowing you were going to go out on a date the next day, with someone you were meeting for the first time, go out and get shit faced the night before? Canceling first dates, in general, tends to leave a bad taste.

Time to switch friends

Sweet looking Datsuns!

I don’t believe this crap. Next you are going to try and tell me that soccer is corrupt as well.

I almost didn’t want to click on the article because of that mug. i had to scroll down quickly. job in the world?

Murder it out.

Agreed, it is pretty gutless by today’s standards. It could probably last forever though.

Or have you.....?

Anytime I see an article about someone being naked there is a little thought in side my head that hopes they are smokin’ hot. I have been disappointed every time.

Seems like you middle/high school civics 101 class did teach you what “double jeopardy” really mean. Mine didn’t either though! You can’t be charged for the same offense, but you can be charged for the same crime.

I know what double jeopardy is. I just didn’t know if it applied to the same charges or different charges as well. To be honest, I remember watching the movie Fracture and they charged Anthony Hopkins character with attempted murder, he got off, but then his wife died because of the injuries and they charged him for