
Can someone go on trial for murder, lose and then go on trial again for manslaughter?

Apple CarPlay?!

It seems a little unfair that the car you accidentally hit, could screw you financially.

Don’t have kids?

How did he get it flipped back over being that close to the wall?

Thats what freedom feels like.

I certainly hope that was consensual.

You trolled ‘em good.

Until browsers can all agree on video standards for html5 we will need flash as a backup.

While I completely agree with the article, lets look at it from a completely rational person on the other side of the situation. I walk up on the car with a child in it, maybe it cool out, maybe they will be fine for 5-15 minutes. But what if it was one of those idiot parents that forgot their child was in the car,

You just don’t get it do you?!!? That is where the ECU’s come in, they are like the brains of the car! If something short (which this car doesn’t not short because he said it does not have wires or circuit breakers) then it just reroutes the power.... Goddamnit, didn’t you watch the video?

I can't star this enough times.

I didn't realize the burying a pipe 18 inches deep would cause so much damage.

Not only got your password, but also got your phone number too! Boom!

Would need at least two of those for your mom! Boom!

If I see a dead pixel, I will of course want an exchange.

That easter egg pastel UI makes the Ferrari's dash look like a 3 year old's toy.

Those are called strippers - also not tax deductible

Looks a little jaggy.

It is the latter of your assumptions. :) That quote was in relation to the average.