
What about the part where he wants to meet behind Chili's? You should have texted back just so we weren't left wondering what he was actually implying. My life will now never be complete.

So, her is OK then?

Ya, but was she hot?

You should have just saved it until she wasn't underage anymore....thats not creepy right?

They can only print to a VERY limited number of printers. So limited that you would probably have to go out and buy the printer.

As soon as someone creates a need where one did not exist before you will have your new leader.

I honestly don't know for sure, but Windows 8 comes with drivers for pretty much everything. I would imagine you can install downloaded drivers though, since there needs to be a way to get drivers for new hardware. What I thought was kind of neat is that it supports all your printers and displays too. Mice and

Unless it is just impossible for a DEV to make the program for both RT and x86, why wouldn't they? I imagine it will come down to how RT apps are sandboxed versus x86. The compiler will compile all the code your throw at it to x86 or ARM but the OS may not allow the necessary permissions to run that code.

You can still plug in any keyboard you want and use it since it has all the drivers windows has.

What? He wasn't talking about Windows RT devices, he was talking about Windows 8 which can also run apps from the App store. Developers will have a huge customer base to develop for whether or not those customers have Windows RT or not.

Have you tried cleaning the dust out of it?

That person 40 feet in the air, upside down and doing the splits is dead.

I heard those lightning bolts increase the planes speed by 25mph.

Not if they are cut down the next time a shuttle needs to be moved through the streets! ;)

The features for Aero are still there, they are just a little different. The window snap to features are different and take a little bit to get used to, but they are useful. The tab previews are still available. Shake and peek. I don't see the style effected too much either, however I didn't use that to customize me

I am a gamer and I use Windows 8. There is no issue, it all has to do with the App Store and Steam getting scurred. I like the changes, it isn't that the OS isn't intuitive, it is just that you have to change your thinking of how Windows used to work. That is only for Metro though, everything works the same.

Looking like a douche comes free.

A three year old would be bored with this in a second. 6 year olds are already riding bikes. My 14 month old would ride this, assuming her legs can touch the ground. It does look a tad unstable however so I would probably watch her pretty closely.

I bet more people move from IPhone to Android than from Android to IPhone.

I would bet more people move from IPhone to Android.