
"Originally, the turbine had been slated to only deliver seven megawatts of power, but the R&D team found a way to up the output without changing the dimensions of the structure."

I was thinking the same thing. Alexander Kartashov must have a account.

I don't think they 5 of these that are going to be sold are going to have a huge effect on the amount of He we have on earth.

No shit. Then they become total assholes when you don't see them and accidentally run them over.

That guy isn't moving!

Its like everything else in life. Everyone has to pick a side and hate everything, everyone else that does not look like, talk like, act like, think like them. Religion, politics, race....all facets of life. It is sad.

So google still gets the money without having to do anything? What Google should do is release the same maps they have on Android as an iOS app and make Apples Maps obsolete.

If they would, I would make the sign.

sure it can, at 18fps and low settings.

I would imagine it has to do with stealth technology.

I think you misunderstood, or I am misunderstanding. It's only the adapter that is not compatible, not the iphone. You just have to buy one of the new cables.

Why not switch to a micro usb?

The button never changed to pr0n. You would think with all the traffic I provide, google would know me better.

Dog? Vietnam? Are you trying to get me in trouble?

You're hired!

As long as I get my sandwich I don't care how many articles you write. Just kidding! (I hope I don't have to say "just kidding" for every sexist remark I make that is obviously a joke)

Only because it causes it to hurt more than it itches. I think it must shock the nerve and numb it for some time.

Another unfortunate possible side effect of being a geek.

Not a fan of the dials, I like getting the right amount of pressure in the right places and the dials don't really allow for that. I love burton boards, but I like flow more for boots and bindings.

A real man only needs his hands when fighting a bear.