Well great, you gave it away. I guess there is no point in polygon-ing it out anymore. The terrorists have won.
Well great, you gave it away. I guess there is no point in polygon-ing it out anymore. The terrorists have won.
"...into Instagram's bulging lap..."
How do we fix this problem? It is funny how neither side ever talks about it, but its a huge problem. The committee that we would put together to monitor the spending would probably also be corrupt and end up spending more than they helped save.
I think it is unfair to the public to name this a UAV. While technically correct, I could call my paper airplane a UAV, or my balloon. They need a better acronym.... Like BAUAV(Bad ass UAV) and LWUAV (Little wussy UAV)
It really boggles the mind doesn't it? I am surprised he didn't list the steps to the scientific method.
He did it for love! How noble!
It will be easy since you already know where all the pieces go.
with 62mph crosswinds no less!
You are only looking at the negative here....
Asking how many equate to mass murder is a legitimate question. You must not know the answer.
Well, how many people have to die in order for it to be mass murder? If it is just more than, then the two traps alone would account for the needed number.
Speaker stands and wires all over the place are ugly. If you want to do it right it is going to cost a lot more than $300.
I think this actually helps their cause right? Running out of something makes you think that it is popular, which should create even more demand.
What about the heat that exits from the exhaust fan, surely that can be used for some other useful type of energy?
There aren't even any other bubbles in the bath! They should have put a duck there instead.
Why do you think girls dress in bikinis? To arouse men.