
The answer might be to do something that you’d never see in a Star Wars, but then that would draw more Star Wars comparisons.

The tone of this piece being all over points to AI infused garbage.

This reads like you paid your little brother to do your homework.

That was a very thorough and informative reply... glad someone around here is willing to do the work rather than just assume that something nefarious has happened. 

I work in game shows. It is standard operating procedure to not pay out any winnings until after the show airs, typically 90-120 days after the contestant’s final episode (with some rare exceptions like Ken Jennings, whose “Jeopardy!” streak carried over from one season into another; he got a partial payout during the

Isn’t it fairly common for people not to get their game show winnings until after the show airs. Mostly to ensure they don’t spoil the ending 

It would be a total obvious spoiler if one of the finalists is driving a Bentley to Trader Joe’s. Keep them broke until the finale.

I believe that this is standard game show practice not to give the prize until the show airs. For instance, I know that The Price is Right won’t give you your winnings until the show airs to avoid spoilers. 

Y’know, the guy was such a positive force, and a kind man, and by all accounts a great boss... but, TBH, he was not really a “Creator”. He was an ‘Adapter’, or, as his actual credits indicate, a “Developer”.

I get that in this context it’s supposed to be a sweet, loving experience. However if I was dying and the people around me began singing TV show theme songs, I’d probably be convinced I was already in Hell.

I wonder if there’s any potential for this to be used to fuck with forensics.

Something something high seas, something something torrent.

They really should be taken to court for this. Licenses expiring is a common thing in digital distribution. The solution is to pull the licensed content from the store, not user libraries. That’s been the standard practice for games, I don’t see why it should be any different for movies or TV shows.

I thought that was a not so subtle and dark nod to them being old and therefore don’t have as much time to break up before,  you know, death.

Brake lights.

(Article is on this car enthusiast site becuase a Rolls Royce is mentioned in the story...)

There is no doubt Apartheid Clyde is racist and has shown antisemitic leanings in the past. I do wonder how much of this current rush towards it is down to the ADL calling his shit out.

This past week, I got a Mustang and an Edge as rentals.

Totally agree. Honestly, what the hell are the producers of this show doing?!

I volunteer to fly to England, put cold cloths on Tasha’s forehead, make her the hot or cold beverage of her choice, rub her feet and buy her a puppy.