
This is fucking DIRE. I have to imagine the actual gems will be found in less likely places, like streaming, because holy shit. This is just a depressingly awful lineup. Even for superhero bullshit it seems unusually bad. Like they’re scraping the absolute bottom of the barrel. This list is probably the most

But he’s disrupting.

This is so dumb. So you think it’s easier to wrap and rewrap shelves than just spray and wipe?? Not to mention the single use plastic waste.

This is wasteful and dumb. Now you have an ugly interior hiding the beautifully clean shelves. Reminds me of my grandma’s plastic covered couch. And it’s just as dumb as the “stove protectors”. So, instead of dirty metal, I have dirty mats or plastic wrap. How is that any different or better? Seriously, this is a

Kevin Costner, obviously

You. You understand my vision.

Also a scene (maybe the same one or not) where she is bound by ropes. Again, purely for narrative reasons.

Alan Moore is rolling in his coffin.

Don’t most modern routers have a guest network?  can’t you just pick  an easy identifiable name and then use pass phrase?  My friends had both on a card in a small picture frame on the night stand in the guest room.  Seems simpler.

TV didn’t exist before 1990, apparently.

I wonder what people did for fun before they invented television. In 1989. Apparently. 

I am too young for Cheers and even I know that Thanksgiving Orphans belongs at the top of this list.

Now playing

Are you fucking kidding me with this? Ignoring WKRP in Cincinnati?

Airport food hits differently than normal food..............

You're thinking of another show. This show ran for one season and never came back. 

dammit... and just when the smoke monster was going to emerge and explain that the whole thing was the result of a bad back-up routine (when the man in black suddenly reappears with a dust encrusted backup tape)

Can’t say I’m surprised. Even as a regular viewer it got to the point in the last two seasons where I had no clue what was happening.

It’s so sad that this show only got to run for 2 seasons. 

15 TV Shows You Ignorant Gen Z’ers Didn’t Know Were Movies First.

This wasn't common knowledge?