
but it sounds like they didn’t give her what she was owed.”

Okay, but...Maguire was also, you know, the lead. Wouldn’t the more relevant question, given the similar size of their roles and similar levels of fame at the time, be whether Dunst made less than James Franco?

‘Oh yeah, Tobey is playing Spider-Man.’ But you know who was on the cover of the second Spider-Man poster? Spider-Man and ME.”

In related news, the McRib is back.

I too was very concerned about the footprints.  Just his footprints going directly to where the glove was found and back, nbd.

I’m hoping this means you didn’t actually watch any of the previous seasons, because trust me, this level of plot sloppiness is nothing compared to what Dexter fans(?) are used to.

A classic case of a movie where you have to be on the same drugs as the cast to enjoy watching it as much as they enjoyed making it.

Uhhh battlefield earth has a 3% on RT, not 89% lol

Everyone did their jobs, as trained, to the best of their abilities. No one went to jail, no one was handcuffed. The alternative would be to pretend that trafficking doesn’t exist and not to question any adult flying with any child.  This was a judgement call.  It turned out to be wrong.  The passengers were

And, you’re definitely not a dope. The article should have (at least parenthetically) explained what this means.

A few notes:

So I was one of those who didn’t like Rodgers before that interview, haven’t for a while. That’s not to claim that I was somehow validated, but rather that I was still kind of stunned by it. I think the biggest thing was that while there is this sense that he is a smart guy, he is a bit of a diva which does affect

If he did this with a private seller or about 95% of used car dealers wouldn’t he have been SOL?

Imagine how rich someone can get by posting fake fix-its on Tik Tok and then selling the real fix to suckers who think Tik Tok is a source of wisdom.

Do not do this.

don’t do this.... it “works” because you’re *sanding down the lenses*. it may cosmetically remove scratches but at the cost of damaging the prescription! that goes for using toothpaste, too. some pages actually go so far as to claim these methods are filling the scratches. no, you’re polishing them out, which means

Yeah, that’ll just fuck up your glasses. Don’t do that.
It doesn’t “fill” out the scratches, it files down the rest of the lens. Which will pretty much change how your glasses work. And also, it probably would straight up fuck any weirdo type of glasses with filters and coatings and shit like most stuff today...

Yeah no, as others here said, baking soda is an abrasive- not good for lenses, esp coated ones. I’ve been wearing glasses since age 12, here’s what I do (and note I only do this procedure to extend the life of older lenses, never new ones):

I was wondering this.  Ms. Yuko, this might be something to add to your article, otherwise, you’ve enticed some people to do precisely the wrong thing to their lenses.

You joke , but I played the game a lot , and a few years later saw the film, and its weird , as theres several scenes in the movie that give me a ‘holy crap! I know that place!!’ vibe* I'm guessing Rare had access to a LOT of set photos.