
Well you can be a complete piece of shit like me and buy used games from GameStop and take advantage of the 7-day no questions return policy.

Wow, get a PS3. If you're into playing online, it's free. Especially get one right now during the holiday season. $300 at Best Buy is weeell worth it if you ask me. But if you're not into gaming (I don't know who would read this tech blog and not at least play a little), then I understand. You could always use a top

Have you been playing Skyrim? Interesting that you would use the word arcane lol It sounds like the foot fungus you'd get from wearing some old boots you found in a dragon tomb. God this comment has turned out to be nerdy!

No I didn't say anything about his clothes, I have no idea why gingerkid87 thought I was. I meant that he is regarded by many people as a jackass (or clown if you will). This reputation affects his credibility as a source for information.

It is important because his "clownliness" influences his credibility.

I saw earlier in the comments on another post where someone was complaining that this site copies from Reddit. Whether that's true or not, because I happen to love this site, I can't help but notice after visiting Reddit for the first that this was on there about 7 hours ago.

Naw dude, this guy is soo gusty

Probably to subconsciously highlight the fact that they are made from recycled materials.

How will they get this on the dollar menu?

Ill just wait til I can win this on Legends of the Hidden Temple

Just got the Droid RAZR, I am more than impressed. I love this phone

It says boobies, you're thinking of 55378008.

Has anyone commented on the cheesy background music? Wooow

The best is leftover salad, something about the ranch marinating into the lettuce... And just giving the cheese that much longer to age...

Thanks sahilm, I've been pissed off all day because I thought I was missing out. That makes me feel a tiny bit better

I know I could try and buy the phone on Amazon before my original gets here, but I wouldn't be able to use an upgrade seeing as I used it to by the $300 one. That's my struggle. Maybe I'll call Verizon and whine, cry, threaten seppuku over the phone

So what do you do if you've already ordered one for $300 and you're waiting for it to come in the mail tomorrow?

The article wasn't worded very well. I know that the subject of this article can be vaguely relevant to a gadget site, somehow. But I don't expect to read things like "because he learned one of his employees was FUCKING CHILDREN." As a journalist, you're supposed to be at least partially objective. This quote not only

Every single cell phone article has "Ironic that this post is "sponsored by Blackberry?" in the comments.