
The only reason I clicked this article was bc I hoped someone would mention some Robert Jordan. Good job !

The only reason I clicked this article was bc I hoped someone would mention some Robert Jordan. Good job !

As someone that hasn't followed basketball, this past week leading up to Michael Jordan's birthday has really helped me understand the sport and find appreciation for it. I always knew Michael Jordan was "the greatest," but it was more of an understood fact. I never really knew what he did or what made him the best.

You have to write about Robert Jordan in this situation, especially since the last book in The Wheel of Time is about 80% war strategy!


This article has so many interesting statistics. Props to whoever did all that research

Yeah except you're forgetting bout our debt owed to China. One of the main things keeping them from cashing that in/crippling our economy is that we import so many things from them. If they cripple our economy then one of their largest, if not the largest, customers won't be able to buy from them. That being said, if

They hate Twilight

I lol'd. We are all bros, until someone trolls.

So? Who care's if we abandon the gold standard? We'll find something else I'm sure. I'd much rather have the technological possibilities associated with more available raw materials. One major limitation of tech is the scarcity of "elite" materials. Imagine the clarity of the new deep space telescope with a huge lens

I hate to say this, because I really don't want to be rude to someone I've never met, but you sir are a well spoken idiot. And by this I mean you have the ability to speak wonderfully coherent sentences, but your expressed thoughts are not rational and therefore make you sound like an idiot.

Exactly what I was thinking, I could see this in Act of Valor 2

It's called adderall

Moe's, while it was good before I ever had Chipotle, is of far less quality. Moe's reminds me of food thats been under a heat lamp for a while as opposed to Chipotle which is always made from the freshest ingredients. I would suggest trying it yourself. (Get the burrito bowl, you're welcome)

Yeah, he actually seems pretty smart. Too smart.....

Shut up wagnerrp. Nerd.

BOOM! Couldn't have said it better myself

Not to be a JERK-OFF, BUTT the SCREAMING loud audio will still SCREW you out of that one.

All they do is subtly dilute the quality of the rest of the commercial and leave the TV's picture vivid

What happens if you short circuit someone else's phone while you touch yourself? Do they take you to small claims court?