
This is a really good idea. There are a few games that I buy all of the DLC for. (ex. Just Cause 2) But if I could've payed up front/yearly to get all the DLC, then maybe the developers would've had money to keep producing content. This will give MW3 dev teams more capitol to keep making more DLC!

Easy, killer.

Glad you clarified that bro, I was JUST about to ask you if you were going to use FCPX

I wonder what type of promises Apple had to make to Yale in order to get this contract. And while we're at it, all of the other schools that are switching to iPads. You think Apple might've had to promise that this iPad wouldn't be obsolete in 6 months?

Vaios - Fuck Yeah! Bravia TVs - Fuck Yeah! PS3 - Fuck Yeah! Playstation Network - ....

Roll Tide

When the guy that climbs mountains falls and dies, no one's commute is delayed.

This looks like a cartoon, there is no texture to the vehicle. It has plenty of details, but no texture

Not even a SSD, wow

Why would anyone still use AOL? If you have any answers, just send them to my Yahoo email address, I'll just fire up Netscape and read them. If you want to attach a Microsoft Works file, go ahead.


Washington must've been a poo poo pusher, the top 75% of that monument has a brown stain on it

Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. The last thing he needs is everybody poking their nose in his business

Glass is not a liquid. That is an urban legend.

Get to the bat kitchen where you belong.

136.7 million miles on the Discovery? Can't imagine the Kelly Blue Book value was too high after that

Apple charges $300 plus the cost they were already charging for the 128 GB drive. Thats a hefty fu**ing fee

That's what color Communist radiation is.

I think I'd be up for the Dodge Magnum. From what I know about penises and their accessories, Magnum is word to stick with

I love when people that specialize in something, and have been doing it a long time or are just really good at it, criticize other people who try to hurry or take shortcuts and thus degrade the value of their own product. It's always entertaining to hear or read. It makes you respect the people that take pride in