Well the people that this article applies to should be grandfathered in
Well the people that this article applies to should be grandfathered in
Gulliver's Travels sucked ass, I literally stopped reading this article as soon as I read that.
What the hell is diesel gas? Is that like a diesel gasoline hybrid? I had when people say gas when they mean diesel
"ATTACH ROCKIT 2 AIRPLANE LOLZ" laughed extremely hard at this
The Amazon screenshot has a banner ad that says "Fieldwork in Ukrainian Sex." Somebody's internet history/cookies are a little bit dirty...
I couldn't imagine the pwnage that a tornado would cause
And before you know it, life "outside the wall" will be feared and the government will use this fear to keep the people in.
So instead of saying "Wow, Houston's traffic sucks testes" people will say "Wow, all of the traffic in the whole world sucks testes."
You would if someone gave it to you
After 4x, shame on you
Still waiting on the Napalm Slingshot with the ACOG scope.
F*** Oprah. The most powerful forces are Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris, and Jesus when he dresses up like Chuck Norris.
The lock is made out of the same stuff vaginas are made from. Virtually indestructible.
Need.... tabs.... NOW
an art*
and Hitler is?
All these puns are starting to push my buttons... No? ok.
Don't forget about Flash Player
A night-vision scope with a large lens to collect the sparse amounts of light from the night-time sky.