
So he’s a Hall of Famer then.

If you think .276 is somehow a disqualifying BA for Cooperstown you’re going to have to throw out a lot of guys with Thome: Ernie Banks, Joe Morgan, Brooks Robinson, Mike Schmidt, Reggie Jackson, Willie McCovey, Cal Ripken, Reggie Jackson.

OPS+ = PRO+ = 100 * ( OBP/lgOBP + SLG/lgSLG - 1)/BPF

Other people were (further) enriched by extorting public money. Ya, pointing that out is definitely whining.

HAHAHA! You have things completely fucking backward you fucking hick.

I don’t necessarily blame him for dodging.

Not one bit. I’ve done the east coast thing. Waiting for 1 for the first games and then usually having to wait until at least 4 for your actual west coat based team to play is awful. That’s no way to live.

Not sure I’ve ever heard the “you have the whole day” part of argued for. 10, 1 and 530 works perfectly. You still watch football all day but you don’t have to stay up till midnight if the late game goes long.

Sure. And then the narrative becomes whatever people prefer: “Baseball crowds boo unpopular president” or “a fraction of the crowd booed but was drowned out by supporters”.

Just saw an Internet video where his motorcade was booed. Probably didn’t help that people were stuck outside in the rain trying to get in while his cars zoomed right in, but still, boos are boos.

The thing about the booing is that it only takes a fraction of the stadium (preferably near some mikes) to make it audible. In a stadium with 70K people a few thousand (hundred?) fans can boo loud enough to make an impression. Most might not care, and its not like supporters can easily “counter boo”.


I’m sure they have ad revenue and concessions as well, so its probably more than just ticket sales. In a net revenue losing sport like baseball (as most sports are outside of high level football and basketball) that lost income can hurt. Especially because the overall program costs are pretty constant whether they

You know, I didn’t really love the new Star Wars, but there was one line that it came up with that is turning out to be really useful:

Artificial scarcity? There are a limited number of seats in any given theater. You can literally count them if you want. We’re not talking about diamonds here being controlled by a cartel to jack up prices.

Pure random chance gives a division 1 team a 20% chance of making it. In reality, a team from a small conference like this is only going to make it if they win their tournament, so random chance gives them a 10% chance. So yes, even a chance under 50% is likely pretty good compared to that.

That’s how I read it. I’m a yankee though so I could be wrong.

Is he implying that Uncle Nat and Uncle Gabe are an item? That Mobile was their “haven” in otherwise deep red Alabama?

I’m thinking Bad Bad, but a lot closer to the center than “Devil’s Advocate”.

Are you serious? In this year of all years Dean Spanos can’t even get a nomination? I guess in terms of pure evil he doesn’t come close to some of these guys but as bumbling shitbag of an owner he’s easily top 5 this year.