
Not an MLB team, but my little league team did this once. It was a weekday game and our league had a light restriction, if you didn’t finish as certain number of innings before it was too dark to play the game didn’t count. One game got completely out of hand (like 25-2 or something early on) and as a result took

He also didn’t claim that its the President’s job to rescue every criminal caught overseas.

No, it would be the job of the State Department, which Trump is in charge of.

It’s the job of the State Department, which the President is in charge of, to assist citizens overseas with legal matters.

Not sure what this comment has to do with my comment.

So according to the article, US soccer needs to be destroyed because:

Really? I’d say the US putting on extra meaningless games as a cynical money grab would be keeping in line with a proud FIFA tradition.

But both are, ultimately, money grabs. Start a new tournament so you have more games, more tickets to sell, more TV rights to auction off.

Is it really “rewarding”? Playing in a thrown together second rate tournament for no stakes doesn’t seem like much of a “reward”. It’s not like they’re gonna give them replica world cup trophies.

Are we sure the fans are actually calling for that? I mean a significant portion of them?

But they didn’t overpay for Tyrod. He’s not even one of their top 3 salaries on the roster right now and his salary is on the lower end for starting QBs. It cost them more in dead money to trade away Dareus than Taylor’s yearly salary.

Note quite. They can show visions of the past and future, but they don’t actually time travel. Also, the Ghost of Christmas Present dies. That’s right, he’s a ghost that dies. Which raises the question: does a ghost that dies leave another ghost?

Counter-counterpoint: the guy who wrote the novel the book is based on is Canadian. That might explain the whole “have a catch” thing.

Yes, I’m sure that Steph Curry, the highest paid player in the NBA, multiple time MVP, multiple time world champion, #1 selling NBA jersey, is totally writing a piece in the player’s tribune in order to “build his brand”. He couldn’t possibly maybe give the slightest shit about treatment of veterans, it must all be a

Damn. Clearly we have different experiences with vets. That’s pretty scary.

They can’t win, can they? Advocate for change, and you’ll attack them for not SUPPORTING THE TROOPS!!! Literally advocate for helping vets, and you attack them for doing it for some kind of underhanded selfish reason (as if Curry needs any help building his personal brand).

Shit, who are you talking to that says stuff like that? That’s brutal, maybe I’m just sheltered in the vets I’ve spoken to but I can’t imagine any of them saying those things.

1)It is basic geography, and certainly shouldn’t be a fucking mystery for 3 people on Jeopardy.

That must have been really hard for you. To get mild pushback on comments because you didn’t mean them to be taken a certain way. (I’m sure it was just a joke, right?) How did you ever deal?

Sproles never won shit.