
In my neighborhood, that IS the brewery. They all have kids areas because they know their clientele.

Except they absolutely can. It is completely state dependent (Yay state’s rights?!!) but it is absolutely allowed under ACA. Do 10 seconds of fucking Google research and you’ll find this to be true.

You don’t say? So maybe, just maybe (stick with me here), some of the supposed premium rises under ACA are part of this natural trend? NAH that’s crazy talk. Its all because of evil government.

Yup, “realities” where diseases are magically cured by secret pills which we could totally use if only we reformed the patent office. Where throwing 20 million people off their insurance is no big deal because soon they’ll be able to buy insurance across state lines. Very grounded.

And I’m sure NONE of the premium increases under ACA are due to inflation. Inflation stopped in 2010, right?

Except it was. Selling across state lines is wingnut pipe dream bullshit but you don’t know that because you’ve never taken 2 seconds to think it through. If companies wanted to to it, they would It doesn’t make sense for them, so they don’t.

Why is there no getting rid of it? I’m sure its unconstitutional just like ACA, we’ll just have to convince SCOTUS and they’ll disband it. Didn’t James Madison come to you in a dream and tell you as much?

Lol. Ya, that’s totally what happened. We had double digit premium increases for decades because the insurance companies were afraid that a huge influx of cash into their coffers was going to bankrupt them. Sure thing.

Medicare? You mean that big government program of socialized medicine? You want to give them MORE power? I thought government control was bad?

Get fucked, you fucking ghoul.

The ACA already allows this. Any state can ask for a waiver to allow out of state companies to sell inside their state. One problem: it doesn’t fucking work, because that’s not how insurance fucking works.

Premiums and costs were rising before the ACA, often at a higher rate than they currently are. To blame “high costs” on the ACA is classic post hoc reasoning.

Wrong and wrong.

Whatever issues medicaid has, I can guarantee you the answer isn’t “cut a trillion dollars out of it”.

Which side is appealing to only to emotion here?

Except many jobs don’t offer insurance. And not everyone is always employed. And many, many, many people on medicaid are already employed.

Nope. False. Take that bullshit elsewhere and when you get there, go ahead and fuck yourself.

I’m clearly missing something in your question. You think non-white voters don’t support Democrats? Democrats win every group of non-white voters and have for several election cycles, typically by huge margins. Where did you hear otherwise?

Her story starts when she was 18. She’s now 36. Maybe do some fucking math.

Oh good burn! I said “CNN sucks” so I must actually be Zucker in disguise!