
So you’re worried that other journalism companies might investigate and identify news worthy people? Isn’t that called... journalism?

Wow, for this “long and storied history” you have to reach back almost 20 years for a single story that was wrong? CNN sucks but every journalistic operation has fuck ups occasionally.

You’re right, he didn’t say that (that we know of).

Bullshit. On a soft green it absolutely can fuck it up.

In a lot of places (including every course I’ve ever played on) it is explicitly against the rules of the course.

It’s not fundamentalism, it’s pointing out the hypocrisy of one David Brooks.

That’s a neat trick you’re playing, both-sidering “intellectual capacity” and then using poor political skills as proof of that, as if they were the same thing. There have been many successful politicians who couldn’t spell Cat if you spotted them the C and A, and many intellectuals who couldn’t get elected

A rigged boxing match? Whoever heard of such a crazy thing?

I was responding to the OP, who made the huge claim that periodically hosting those events would somehow pay for this monstrosity.

I’m sure that’s what they said about each of those other centers when they were built. And yet they keep getting built, and as capacity expands more and more conventions come to they city. I guarantee a new convention center would bring more business to the city than a football stadium, and at a fraction of the

If you think hosting the Super Bowl is a route to an economic boost then you haven’t been paying attention. The evidence just doesn’t back that up. Even if you were right (you’re not) why would Vegas spend $950 million dollars in order to bring in “tens of millions of dollars”? Does not compute.

Vegas already has dozens of theaters and concert venues, most attached to major hotel/casinos.

A new convention center would have done way more for the overall economy of Vegas than a stadium.

Even if you assume they wouldn’t raise a dime of that money for other purposes, what about cost overruns and/or shortcomings in magical revenue generation projections?

Well she was following the rules, she didn’t “smart off”, she offered to wear a jacket which the principle rejected for no good reason, and she wasn’t being a bitch to anyone. Also, the principal is a women (I know, that must blow your fucking “old school” mind!)

You mean if she had done exactly what she did do (that the principal rejected), except with a little more groveling? Great lesson.

She wasn’t “making up her own rules” and she certainly didn’t have a “note from her mother”. Her shirt was within the rules. When the principal then arbitrarily disagreed with the established rules, she put on a jacket to conform with the principal’s whims. What the fuck else was she supposed to do?

Nah. We must have watched different shows.

Well don’t leave me hanging. What are they saying?

Nothing. But apparently Trump thought something might actually happen. Seems pretty suspicious.