
Nah. Pointing out that someone said something dumb and self serving is not the same as making him out to be the same as Hiltertron 3000. Sometimes things are just dumb and deserving of some light mockery for being dumb. .

The article was specifically about his crazy bullshit story about going into hock for Yankees tickets which magically made him successful. The facts of the story don’t hold up to scrutiny, and even it they did it’s still terrible business advice.


Counterpoint: we have a POTUS who speaks gibberish and makes up his own idiotic words. And a good chunk of his base is made up of exactly the type of people who would discriminate against someone for what they deem as, *ahem* “poor English”.

You joke, but the same people bitching about ESPN being “liberal” are the types who bitch about unofficial “Gay Days” at Disney parks and secret subversive messages hidden in Disney films. Some people need to find anything to define themselves against, no matter how insane.

And Drew’s point is proven.

“Socially commenting” isn’t automatically the same thing as “pushing a political agenda”.

This sure sounds bogus to me. Brady lends his likeness to a charity for disabled people, a very sympathetic cause, and basically gets a charitable kickback of that money for his own private donations to less sympathetic causes. I wonder how many of those donations would still come in if he was honest about the fact

Even if it is (unproven), why not be up front about it? Why exploit a charity for disabled people to funnel money to some hoity private school?

Oh, well if he didn’t say it in that particular interview 3 years ago it must not be true. Never mind all the other evidence. This one interview is the only one that counts.

Even if he could, wage impacts would be minimal. Not nearly enough to offset them losing their medicaid coverage to pay for another tax cut for Trumps buddies.


How in the fuck is he “advocating for the American people”?

All of those teams, with the exception of the Broncos, had strong QB play during that particular playoff run and/or Super Bowl. (And even the Broncos still had Manning, who was a shell of himself physically but still savvy enough to not fuck up enough to give the D a shot to win.)

Oh, so it’s the food on the plate that leads to fucking? He’s got some kind of kinky food fetish? Well I guess the president would NEVER have occasion to have a quiet meal with a cabinet member or fellow head of state.

It only has to happen once to lead to extramarital fucking, apparently.

Wow, how sad and insecure you must be. That sucks man.

So remove the article that this guy is commenting on and substitute a completely different article from a different website and his comment is upgraded to “not too far from the truth”.

You say that like its a bad thing. Pence should be sneered at. He’s a monster with a decent haircut.