
Oh man, I love hearing people say they are going to “send away” for something! It doesn’t happen often, but it always makes my day.

I’m really torn on this issue. On the one hand I think college athletes should ABSOLUTELY be paid. But on the other hand, how do we begin paying them without letting wealthy schools like Texas, Alabama, and the rest of them start recruiting even more of the best players without the other schools suffering. I also

Spoiler Alert, it’s semen.

Is there a follow up video where he has to learn he’s wrong? Or do they just not bring it up again. Video!!

Okay so now I feel bad. I’m tempted to take back my comments about Mark Davis being a trash man (not Al), but, at the same time, Any ESPN profile on him is going to try to paint him in a positive light. I’m sure that growing up with Al Davis as your father can’t be an easy challenge to overcome though.

Yes. This. I would guess that’s been his haircut for his entire life. And mommy always told him how handsome he looked while daddy put out cigarettes on his arm. I can’t say for certain that any of this is true, as I lack even the smallest number of shits necessary to do a marginal job researching this trash man or

So if I win a billion dollars tonight in the I have to start getting my hair cut like that?

Oh the flames donate 4 million per year to charity?? So they must have been operating for 220.5 years to justify the 890 million they’re asking for. Or at least they plan to. Wow, what a great and charitable organization!

This is excellent. 29 Bowies. How does one person create such a vast collection of music that is so varied and different?

Can we slow this down so I can savor it??

Hey don’t compare Bowie to some asshole with a sticker on the back of his window!

So if we can’t get rid of players like Greg Hardy who are garbage off the field (and on of course), can we at least get rid of guys like this?? That’s like Suh on steroids when he swings that knee in there!

I like that the article has been updated with a link, but you have to click on that link to figure out what the update is. If you didn’t click on the link, let me just rewrite the article for you.

Anyone else think there might have been a missed holding call there? If so, good for the Chiefs, they probably deserve a few things to go their way.

“Ani was a good friend” - Ol’ Ben Kenobi in A new Hope

No, ill will towards the guy. Lot’s of ill will. he didn’t just spank his kid, he got a stick and beat him, leaving marks and cuts and scrapes. Even got him in the balls! And about a year after another child was murdered from child abuse. It would be interesting to see if this kid grows up and beats his children too.

“How could we have possibly gotten a bullet fired from a gun that we had in our custody for several months? I mean that level of—de—deception—just doesn’t make any sense. The Manitowoc Sheriff’s department doesn’t possibly have the time or resources to—to—take a gun that we have locked up, that we of course have the

While the U.S. isn’t perfect, this is all I have to say.

I couldn’t tell you to be honest. I wanna say that it was a late 80s or early 90s Mercury or Ford Crown Victoria. There may have been a light that came on but he probably thought “well I just changed my oil” and ignored it. Who knows.

This is a story from a friend working on his car, but still terrible. So he and his dad were changing the oil in one of their cars (they had a lot of cars and this one was kind of an older one) and they removed and replaced the oil filter with a new one. Apparently the rubber seal on the old one came off when they