
Let’s see...misplaced factual basis.....

Sox here = White Sox. Check your east coast privilege

Wow.. you really need some therapy. If that’s your response to a random internet comment...

Thank you for this. I needed some clown car sports tonight.

This one’s for you, Bob W.

What’s great is that with the Virginia laws, their roots in racism are actually explicit. The New York Times had some great information on that:

Are you kidding? I mean, what are people worried that U2 aren’t going to get their due credit or something? (“What the fuck, man, don’t hate on U2! They’re one of the hardest working bands out there, and with a little luck, maybe someday they’ll finally catch a break and hit it big!”)

The Venn diagram of “U2 fans,” “Bostonians,” and “people with no fucking sense of humor whatsoever” is pretty circular, I’m afraid.

I seriously got, like, more than 15 emails along those lines when that article came out. That just happened to be one I received more recently.

Umm cookie monster is in pretty good shape, I think a lot of folks would benefit from whatever diet/exercise regimen he is on.

Sounds like something a progressive liberal would say, you progressive liberal.

I am always amused by how closely related “faggot” and “pussy” seem to be in the ignorant juvenile insult lexicon, despite the fact that in real life the two could hardly be more separate.

Sorry, but taking safety criticism from Tony Stewart is like taking diet advice from the Cookie Monster.

The amount of homophobia in these letters is, even though it shouldn’t be surprising, actually very surprising. There is such a large population of this country who thinks it’s an appropriate and effective insult to call someone gay. It takes a really, really small person with little to no self confidence to spew out

You’re supposed to catch it with any part of the glove you can. If you can’t you’re supposed to use your bare hands or hat or anything else, because if you don’t catch it, the guy is going to be safe, and that’s not good for your team.

Two Brazilian cyclists died? That’s horrible. How many is a Brazilian anyway?

Word on the street is that George Harrison caught it. Up there.

First Bowie, now Prince. Good thing Freddie Mercury is already dead or I’d be really worried.

Ray Rice gets two weeks (initially).