
Yeah, I had to give that one a couple reads.

All he had to do was poke him in the eye - Aqib Talib

This is as true as it is sad.

A close friend of mine that manufactures biodiesel was sprayed with vegetable oil that was heated to 180 degrees when a pipe burst on a tank. He had to be flown across the state in a jet to a bigger hospital for the trouble. So 180 degree oil, 180 degree coffe...I’ve seen what that temperature can do to your skin, and

I wouldn’t feel guilty, if someone is dumb enough to pick up a soldering iron by the metal part that heats up to like 1000 degrees, and not the handle that’s designed to not get so hot, that’s on them.


I’m gonna guess that he’s been facemasked before and knows the feeling when someone grabs hits his facemask. His facemask was hit, you can see it in the video, and he was tackled quickly. I’m certain he still thinks it was a facemask.

This is what I was looking for. I can’t wait to watch him crash and burn like Josh Freeman! Not suggesting that Josh Freeman every sexually assaulted anyone (although who knows) but that he was a crappy quarterback that played for the Buccaneers.

My dad and I have thought for a few years that the NFL is fixed. We don’t have any proof or specific examples, I don’t even have a clear image in my own head as to how it happens. Are all the players in on it? Only upper level players like Tom Brady and the head coach? Is it just the Owners and refs? I have no clue.

I feel like more detail and additional examples are needed here.

Josh Freeman fucked me a lot too in college. With his lazy attitude and poor throwing arm, yeah he fucked a lot of people.

I watched this movie when I was a kid and we all had a good laugh at how cheesy it was. I saw it on TV a few years ago and decided to have another good laugh and watch it. I couldn’t believe how great it was! It was smart and funny and made a great satire. A great movie to be sure.

Yeah this is the 1993 Copper Bowl. You can’t get that much more obscure, but great find!

I came here to talk about those pads. So Big!


The Coolidge Effect. It goes something like this...President Coolidge and his wife were touring a chicken farm when Mrs. Coolidge noted how often the Rooster would have sex with all the hens. She made some comment about how Mr. Coolidge should take note of the Roosters prowess, and take care of her needs more often.

You get all the stars(dust) for this.

That pick was certainly his fault. If we wouldn’t have thrown it so high it wouldn’t have been tipped. Throw it right, it doesn’t get tipped, it doesn’t get picked. This goes for ANY quarterback in the league, yet we’re so fast to throw some under the bus and give others a pass because “it wasn’t his fault.”

So they DO bitch about him.

If I remember correctly, the opposing team has to kick it out of the endzone, or else it’s points for the other team anyway? And I think if the team that kicked it recovers it in the endzone, it’s a full touchdown. Hope I’m right on that. I remember seeing that play a while back and being dumbfounded, and having to