
I disagree. Nearly half of voting Americans did the dumbest thing ever three years ago.

See, no one gave a flying fuck what the gender of your kid was people. 

Gonna risk the social justice points and just state that “gender reveals” are the dumbest thing ever.

Or we can just come to terms with the fact that whole idea of litter mobility devices is just a worthless pipe dream that won’t work and move on with life.

Did anyone remind the dealmaker in Chief that the Brent Spence hadn’t been replaced like he promised? I know, shocking that he broke a promise.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of United Enterprise Holdings, and to the Incorporation for which it stands, one rental, under contract, with stipulations and recommended insurance for all.

What you call politicize we call asking for something more than words to prevent it from happening again. Eat shit.

I’m anxiously waiting for the “pro-life” crowd to call for immediate action to limit access to these life-destroying machines. Surely that would be logically consistent of them, right? Right?!

Here we go again 😒

I don't get this reference.

So all this time my wife has been trying to pass a drug test?

I run in private mode, so I don’t remember anything. 

please, no more.  this is all so depressing

Is this a sex thing? This seems like a sex thing. 

this is the stupidest goddamn thing i’ve seen on this website, and I watched the entire video of Barry killing himself with scrambled eggs.  fuck

Let the boy drive the car, you cowards.

The worst part of this experience is that there’s now incontrovertible video proof that he attended an O’s game.

He didn’t try to win in turn 1. The book doesn’t say anything about turn 2.