
time to stock up, it’s going to be a cold dark winter


I thought it was just slowly melting off.

No one has lost face in this election as much as Ted Cruz

Will Eddie Murphy still be Mushu

The people have chosen Emma Stone.

I did a summer internship for them.

Someone. Was paid. Real money. To assemble that grouping of words between the two paragraphs.

I think we all need to take a moment and appreciate the 404 page that’s now in place.

It’s clearly possible (and probably way more common than I think). I just can’t see it working in my own marriage or most of those close to me - because politics isn’t just who you’re voting for. It’s also the lens through which you view global events and social issues - torture! refugee crisis! immigration! bodily

Hyder told me one of his better characters was still active, and getting published (a male character, as it happens). I asked him to tell me where. He politely refused.

“I don’t avoid taxes, Mandrake...I just deny them my essence.”

Yep. Remember this tidbit from his campaign speech in Iowa?

Not likely. His supporters aren’the impressed by facts or any of those silly things. Climate change? Fake, made up by China. Autism? Caused by the government and their vaccines. Fluoridation of water? A commie plot by the government to rob us of our precious bodily fluids.

I saw Ted Cruz in the bathroom once. That was disturbing.

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

my worst Miss U.