
Hey Hey Hey! Please look at how he was elected. He did not get a majority in either run. 37.6% the first time. 48.2% the second time. We had strong third party candidates. This is why I fear these morons who are all about voting third party because of their conscientious objection to Hillary Clinton. I’ve seen what

I tweeted this before but it bears repeating: What is with these weirdos and their binders full of people?!

Smoothie has to be the worst gangster name ever. I’d think being named after a fruity yogurt beverage would probably hurt your street cred.

I wouldn’t call her a cunt, she lacks the warmth and the depth.

Yup. I think cunts round the world should be offended. Thus, the word cunt was replaced with an even more offensive slur: You’re such a coulter.

You sure it wasn’t her mother who fucked the devil and she’s the result?

I’m physically disabled - whenever I see or hear disability being used as a slur, it’s a gut punch. When what you are is considered the biggest insult you can throw at another person and it’s used so regularly so casually, you are made very aware of your position as a second class citizen. I know that a lot of common

People tell me all the time that I’m the greatest retard they’ve ever seen. They say “Donald, nobody retards better than you” and they’re right. Crooked Hillary WISHES she was as retarded as me.

Those of us still gray feel even more pathetic

I keep waiting for all the sane people around her to finally snap and burn her at the stake. It’s getting up to a decade of waiting. *looks at watch*

I hate her so, so much. Like as much as I hate cancer and Nazis.

Well, it should be obvious she’s lying: Trump would never go standard retard, he demands the most luxurious retard...

Not with those hips.

“It’s OK, he wasn’t mocking that journalist, he was mocking *all* disabled people! Stop being so sensitive!”

I don't feel like cunt is a strong enough word.

he was doing a standard retard, waving his arms and sounding stupid

And that’s what a person who made peace with the fact that they’re going to burn in hell sounds like.

In her new book

It’s rare that Ann Coulter makes me gasp, but this came pretty close.