
Netflix has actually created a pretty pretty large budget around this film for activism and education (someone I know is leading their organizing efforts) so while fatigue is understandable, there are those fighting this fight—beyond the cultural contribution of simply documenting this—and this film will be shown in

Apparently his hight school nick name was “David the Rapist.”

I have a 6 year-old-daughter. I’m nearly 40, so I got to go to high school pre-social media.

I read the article, went to watch the clip and it started with the baby... ALL THE NOPE GIFS. This hurts too much to watch. My heart hurts and my soul is tired. This is not how things should work. This is not how ANY OF THIS SHOULD WORK.

The boys who raped her, filmed it while it was happening, and then distributed it around social media were arrested after Potts killed herself. In the end though, I think the harshest penalty any of them received criminally was 1-2 months in juvenile detention. I’m not sure if they’re required to register as a sex

You know what’s a little stressful about devoting your life to truth and justice? The first truth is that no one gives a fuck about truth or justice. Especially not truth.

What happened to Daisy Coleman and her family is beyond awful. The fact that, even after being run out of town and having their home burned down, the little scumbag got off with a slap on the wrist is even *more* infuriating.

anna bae you know you are the absolute moon of my life, stars in my sky, the one to my direction, but i have 100% seen writers make this claim before. it hasn’t been anything recent, but i know i have seen it, though it was long enough ago that i cannot recall if it was by anyone on the present team. i would put money

For me, this whole thing raises a pretty clear set of questions about what women’s media is meant to do, and what the Clinton campaign thinks we’re good for. Is it our job to cheerlead for Clinton without the slightest reservation?

It wasn’t a criticism, it was an observation. I can recall seeing Jez writers/editors claim that, while Jez is directed toward woman, it is not a feminist website. If this is no longer the case and Jezebel now embraces ths “feminist” label I would be more than happy to stand/sit corrected.

Maybe she’s afraid she’ll be asked 34 questions about the movie Titanic (and doesn’t want to be associated with the notion of a sure thing being sunk by something unexpected)?

this is a perfect comment and I thank you for it

Jezebel has a shitass reputation among most people who aren’t regular commenters/readers. This is the only place on the internet I enjoy and my primary source for all news, but being cognizant of what other people think of it is nearly unavoidable. The reputation is undeserved and makes me hate the internet (the

I can think of a few commenters on gawker dot com who might be running into some free time later today.

Sad fact of my immediate family, much to the chagrin of my dad’s brothers and their families—we are not sports people.

I think she’d be wise to do two sets of debate prep. The first against the most hateful, deranged xenophobic misogynist she can find, and the second against someone who has actually had some policies drilled into his skull (and is on Xanax). Because goddess forbid she prepare for the first and encounter the second.

Now playing

This is honestly how I see the debate going

Hmmm.... maybe if her staff perused the comments on the “No Man’s Sky” article, and recruited the commenters with the most misspellings and gendered invectives, then deprived those guys of food but gave them alcohol and PCP, they might approach Trumpian-levels of discourse in a mock debate.

I would love for Team USA to move away from the yacht club aesthetic they continue to do for the summer uniform.

Just what I’m thinking. The oblivious, simplistic garbage being spewed here sounds much more like the Gawker commentariat than Jezebel’s.